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Theme Settings
Theme Settings

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----- 1.2 (08 January 2018) ------ Fixed: Sticky

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Quick Start Guide

New to Cellcast? Don't worry, we got your


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Rogan Documentation

Spot of come to ever hand as lady meet on. Delicate contempt received two yet

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Getting Started
Getting Started

Before building your site, better take a look


Supposed to be commonly asked issues, questions &

Tips / Guide
Tips / Guide

Quos vesti bulum dictum irure recusandae, aliquet, ullam

Theme Settings
Theme Settings

You can control the theme's functionality and customize


This section will introduce you how to use

Visual Composer
Visual Composer

Visual Composer is a unique plugin, it will

Sample User Guide

Charles is a creative WordPress theme for saas, software, startup, mobile app, agency, and related

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Getting Started
Getting Started

Before building your site, better take a look

How to (FAQs)
How to (FAQs)

Harum proident? Volutpat sint. Dicta. Eleifend, distinctio placeat

Sample Guide
Sample Guide

Non aptent facere unde placeat habitant minus numquam,

Theme Settings
Theme Settings

Quos vestibulum dictum irure recusandae, aliquet, ullam quod

Some common issues
Some common issues

We adding here solutions on regarding some common

Doc Section
Doc Section

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I have been looking for a documentation theme for a long time. In this area, I find Docly the best I have found so far. It has a great range of functions and an attractive design.

Web Worker
Lead Designer, Artwin

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Loaded with awesome features like Documentation, Knowledgebase,
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Our Privacy Policy explains what kinds of personal information we collect from you when you use our services, how we use your personal information, who we might share information with (including when we might send your information overseas), and your rights in relation to the information we collect, including how you can find out about what personal information we hold about you and how you can complain about our use of your information.

We strive to uphold our privacy policy and accompanying website terms of use – you can find both of these policies within the footer of this page under the title ‘legal’. If you would require clarification on any of our clauses, please make your enquiry to –

Yes, Cellcast has primary and backup routing in place, to ensure your communication is uninterrupted

Sending a message that’s never delivered is a terrible experience for your users, which is why we’re proud of the close-knit relationships we keep with the major wireless carriers. As a major carrier ourselves we know what it takes to get the right messages delivered and how to shut down bad actors through our own SPAM and fraud mitigation platform.

We have found that Bulk SMS is becoming increasingly popular, as such we have dedicated a business arm comprising of creative teams and account managers to support this growing market.

Yes, we have a whitelable solution designed for individuals who would require a parent admin account with up to fifty sub-client accounts.

Cellcast also offers agency ready white label solutions, should you require a custom braded user experience for your end customers.

No, Cellcast is designed to be a self service pre-pay platform. After topping up your credit you are free to use the platform at your leisure.

It is only possible to receive ‘replies’ when sending from a mobile number (shared or dedicated). Message sent using using a ‘name’ or ‘non mobile number’ as the ID cannot be replied to, as such they are ‘one-way’ only.

Note: when adding your personal mobile number as the ‘from’ number (this is a Custom ID) message replies will be delivered back to your personal handset. Only numbers supplied by Cellcast (dedicated numbers) can receive message replies back to Cellcast.

A ‘shared’ number (two-way) is provided to all customers, this is the lowest cost solutions. this number is subject to change without notice (every few months) your messages will then be deliver from the new ‘shared’ number.

A ‘dedicated’ number (two-way) can be purchased for $220 p/a – great for customers who need to communicate regularly and maintain a ‘thread’ with history of communication.

The short answer is no, however if you do require a custom user-flow then there will be additional fee on initial setup.

Yes, you may send your message from a custom ‘name’ or ‘number’. There is an additional fee to use this service, please refer to the feature on ‘create campaign’ page within your portal market rates.

Our usage reports are stored on the live server for up to 8 weeks, you may then gain access to historical account data via the AWS cloud archiving system.

Yes, we adhere to national and federal laws. Including offering a TAX Invoice for each purchase, with a respective GST component.

We have found that Bulk SMS is becoming increasingly popular, as such we have dedicated a business arm comprising of creative teams and account managers to support this growing market.

Yes, we have a whitelable solution designed for individuals who would require a parent admin account with up to fifty sub-client accounts.

Cellcast also offers agency ready white label solutions, should you require a custom braded user experience for your end customers.

No, Cellcast is designed to be a self service pre-pay platform. After topping up your credit you are free to use the platform at your leisure.

Cellcast can now be completely invisible to your sub-clients. We provide you with
level 1-3 support, so that you can manage and support your clients with ease.

  • Integrate with SMS & MMS
  • Branded portal & reporting
  • Custom SMS & MMS pricing
  • Utilise Cellcast collateral
  • Level 1-3 support as standard
  • Login from your own website

Sending a message that’s never delivered is a terrible experience for your users, which is why we’re proud of the close-knit relationships we keep with the major wireless carriers. As a major carrier ourselves we know what it takes to get the right messages delivered and how to shut down bad actors through our own SPAM and fraud mitigation platform.

Yes, our enterprise customers operate primarily on efficiency, Cellcast is designed to meet this criteria as a minimum.

Yes, we have a whitelable solution designed for individuals who would require a parent admin account with up to fifty sub-client accounts.

Cellcast also offers agency ready white label solutions, should you require a custom braded user experience for your end customers.

A ‘shared’ number (two-way) is provided to all customers, this is the lowest cost solutions. this number is subject to change without notice (every few months) your messages will then be deliver from the new ‘shared’ number.

A ‘dedicated’ number (two-way) can be purchased for $220 p/a – great for customers who need to communicate regularly and maintain a ‘thread’ with history of communication.

Yes, for the first time it is – you will receive 1 credit on sign-up of your new account, one for SMS and another for MMS trial purposes.

The short answer is no, however if you do require a custom user-flow then there will be additional fee on initial setup.

Yes, our enterprise customers operate primarily on efficiency, Cellcast is designed to meet this criteria as a minimum.

No, Cellcast is designed to be a self service pre-pay platform. After topping up your credit you are free to use the platform at your leisure.

Sure, if the above was not helpful then you can ask George on Livechat alternatively you can call the hotline or email us at –

We pride ourselves on Cellcast system being uber intuitive – we employ a step by step linear user interface, designed to be intuitive enough to allow use without any instructions. However if you do require further guidance, we have built this knowledge base just for you! If you need more – such as step by step instructions delivered by one of our helpful staff, feel free to ask us – get in touch with us via George on Livechat, send us an email or call on the toll free line to get our attention.

Certainly, get in touch with us via George on Livechat, send us an email or call on the toll free line to get our attention.

The short answer is no, however if you do require a custom user-flow then there will be additional fee on initial setup.

Yes, Cellcast platforms resides on Sydeny based AWS servers, data through transfer is encrypted using Norton 128bit protocol. Data security and sovereignty is managed at a Gold Standard using AWS services and technologies.

Of course, you can request peronalised assistance anytime. Just ask George on Livechat, send us an email or call on the toll free line to get our attention.

In your MMS you can have up to 1000 characters, an additional 30 characters are allocated for the message Subject.

You have the capability of sending messages in excess of 160 characters through our services.

When sending a message in excess of 160 characters, the message is broken up in to message parts of 153 characters, and sent to the handset. The handset then reassembles the message, displaying the message as one extended-length, concatenated message. When sending an extended-length message you are charged for each 153 character part that is sent. This charging process is dictated by the network operators.

You can send the maximum message length of 918 characters, or send a message length of 402 characters for the Unicode character set.

Cellcast allows you to send SMS using Zoho from Lead/Contact/Potential module, Bulk SMS messaging and SMS histories for outgoing and incoming text messages.

Cellcast SMS Zoho CRM Documentation

Email to SMS is software which allows you to turn an email into a text message without any extra effort. Once registered with us, simply write your email and send your message to Your message will be converted from email to SMS and replies can be directed back to your email inbox, or as an SMS.

Our email to SMS gateway service has been designed to allow you and your business to benefit from the ability to send emails to SMS. Ensure your emails are being seen, not getting lost amongst the inbox clutter, by sending them as SMS text messages.

It is only possible to receive ‘replies’ when sending from a mobile number (shared or dedicated). Message sent using using a ‘name’ or ‘non mobile number’ as the ID cannot be replied to, as such they are ‘one-way’ only.

Note: when adding your personal mobile number as the ‘from’ number (this is a Custom ID) message replies will be delivered back to your personal handset. Only numbers supplied by Cellcast (dedicated numbers) can receive message replies back to Cellcast.

A ‘shared’ number (two-way) is provided to all customers, this is the lowest cost solutions. this number is subject to change without notice (every few months) your messages will then be deliver from the new ‘shared’ number.

A ‘dedicated’ number (two-way) can be purchased for $220 p/a – great for customers who need to communicate regularly and maintain a ‘thread’ with history of communication.

On Android handsets the subject will be included in the ‘message list view’, being the first thing you see when first opening the message app.

On IOS the subject is contained within the message in ‘bold’ type.

Yes, when uploading a list, the system will perform a de-duplication procedure. The results of which will be published within the online portal on completions.

We value the wished of our community, to ensure this a automatic global opt-out list is applied to each account. This means that any customer who manually requests opt-out of your future campaigns (via either replying ‘stop’ or using the opt-out link) will automatically be removed from future campaigns.

You can view and download a list of unsubscribed customers within the list management page.

MMS is specified by 3GPP, and allows for submission and reception of multiple content types (e.g. video, audio, images, text) to and from a mobile device. MMS is a store and forward medium that takes advantage of a carrier’s MMSC to store a MMS message for retrieval via a handset, as well as accept messages from handsets for on forwarding to another device. Telstra MMS is a store and forward messaging service that allows mobile subscribers to exchange messages with integrated text, audio & images. MMS allows for a variety of message content types, including moving or still images, sound and text to be originated or terminated using a compatible MMS mobile handset. Click here to read about it in more depth.

Yes, Cellcast has primary and backup routing in place, to ensure your communication is uninterrupted

Yes, you may send your message from a custom ‘name’ or ‘number’. There is an additional fee to use this service, please refer to the feature on ‘create campaign’ page within your portal market rates.

Yes, Cellcast platforms resides on Sydeny based AWS servers, data through transfer is encrypted using Norton 128bit protocol. Data security and sovereignty is managed at a Gold Standard using AWS services and technologies.

Our usage reports are stored on the live server for up to 8 weeks, you may then gain access to historical account data via the AWS cloud archiving system.

Cellcast offers numerous format API’s for MMS and SMS respectively. Our API’s deliver pertinent delivery information right back in real-time. We are solution specific, so just ask to learn more about tailoring Cellcast products to suit you.

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