Delivery Reports
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The status field describes which state a particular message is in. Please note that statuses of type Intermediate will only be reported if you request a status per recipient (Retrieve a recipient delivery report), no callback will be made to report them.
Please contact us to setup Callback URL.
The following statuses are available when using the REST API.
Status | Type | Description |
Queued | Intermediate | Message is queued within REST API system and will be dispatched according to the rate of the account. |
Dispatched | Intermediate | Message has been dispatched and accepted for delivery by the SMSC. |
Aborted | Final | Message was aborted before reaching the SMSC. |
Rejected | Final | Message was rejected by the SMSC. |
Delivered | Final | Message has been delivered. |
Failed | Final | Message failed to be delivered. |
Expired | Final | Message expired before delivery to the SMSC. This may happen if the expiry time for the message was very short. |
Unknown | Final | Message was delivered to the SMSC but no Delivery Receipt has been received or a Delivery Receipt that could not be interpreted was received. |