How do I get my customer list into Cellcast?
Estimated reading: 2 minutes
You can upload your list via CSV. A sample CSV is provided within the portal, you can easily copy and paste your customer data into the various fields which are applicable include; Number, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Post Code, Date of Birth, Special Field.
Here is a step-by-step guide for you to upload your customer list:
- Select upload list from left hand side of the navigation bar
- Download the ‘sample’ CSV from the hyperlink located at the top right of page
- Open the CSV on your computer in Excel or similar spreadsheet application
- Copy and paste your client details into the correct CSV columns. Overwrite or delete any remaining dummy data. Your mobile numbers can be in most formats which include +61 or just starting with a 4
- Head back to the List Management page and create a ‘New List’
- Title the list intuitively as you will need to be able to identify each, especially when you have many
- Now you are ready to upload your list, select ‘Add Numbers’
- Browse, locate and upload your CSV file 7. Now you are ready to upload your list, select ‘Add Numbers’
- Observe the notification bar which delivers upload status feedback after automatically removing, anything which is not an Australian mobile number and duplicates non local mobile numbers
We hope this tutorial was helpful!
If you need further assistance, you can reach our customer support team on (03) 8560 7025, get on Livechat, or send us an email at [email protected]